Code of Conduct

CNHC Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance

The Comlementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) was set up by the UK government as an independant body to protect the public by setting the standards of conduct for practitioners in the UK.

Embrace Connections is not a standard offering recognied by the CNHC, and is not fully registered with them. However, we are still committed to upholding the standards from their code of conduct as they apply to our practices. Their headlines are below. See their code of conduct for more details.

Respect clients’ dignity, individuality and privacy
Respect clients’ rights to be involved in decisions about their care
Justify public trust by being honest and trustworthy
Provide a good standard of practice and care
Protect clients and colleagues from risk of harm
Co-operate with colleagues from your own and other practices

Personal relationships

I am committed to maintaining safe relationships with my current clients and workshop attendees.

If I encounter a current client outside of our professional dynamic, I will not initiate an interaction. I will respond in kind if they greet me, and maintain the level of communication set by the client.

I will not develop any kind of personal relationship with a current client.

After I client and I end our professional relationship, I am open to friendship with them. We will communicate about the effect of our power dynamic and its possible impact.

After a period of 1 year from the end of our professional relationship, by default I will no longer maintain any unecessary supplementary conditions on how I relate to past clients. If either the past client or I desire to maintain restrictions based on our past professional relationship, we will do so.

During workshops, all attendees are treated equally regardless of the nature of our relationship outside of the workshop. I will not leverage my power as a workshop spaceholder to influence my relationship with attendees.


If for whatever reason you wish to raise a concern, you have the following options:

  • Talk to me directly about it face to face, over the phone or using whatever platform feels most comfortable. I am open to feedback, criticism and learning oportunities.
  • Send me an anonymous message here.
  • I am setting up supervision for my practice. I will list their contact information here once it is established.
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