🏒 Where do you work? And how do you get there? πŸš— 🚞 πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ

🧠 Your commute is a psychologically important transition period to get yourself into the right headspace for your job in the morning, and to let it go again in the evening.

πŸ€— If your commute situation works well for you, and you use it right, it can help you with your work and your quality of life.

πŸ˜– Some commutes are too stressful or too long or too short or too whatever, and they have the opposite effect.

My Commute

🚘 I currently work from home, but I used to drive to an office in a different town. During the drive, I would think about my tasks for the day ahead, but mostly focused on the drive and countryside whizzing by. I listened to the radio and sang along to the songs I knew.

πŸ€” Driving home after work, I planned out dinner and thought about upcoming my social activities. Sometimes I called family members in Canada (I’m in the UK) to catch up at a time that worked for both of us. By the time I reached home, I felt unwound and ready to enjoy myself!

❓ What is your commute like? What method do you use to get to work? Do you go alone or with people? What are your habits and rituals that make it feel better?

Please share in the comments below.

🏠 For those of us working from home, check out this other piece about the “No Commute Commute.”

Ways of Working

β€œWays of Working” is a multi-part series of quick tips to personalize your workplace culture and make it work for you and your colleagues.

If you want help understanding and communicating your own Ways of Working, or if you want to run a Ways of Working workshop with your team, send me a message! Let’s talk.

#WorkplaceWellbeing #CommunicationSkills #Commute #Office #Productivity

Photo by Jorge Vasconez on Unsplash


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