🎄✡ What’s the best way to celebrate the Holidays at work? 🎅🤶

Halfway through December, we are squarely in the holiday season mindset. Holiday parties, Christmas decorations, gift exchanges, every email ending with season’s greetings, some people already off until the new year… There’s a striking contrast of some rushing to finish all of December’s sales and work before close of play, and others resigned to the

🎄✡ What’s the best way to celebrate the Holidays at work? 🎅🤶 Read More »

🤝 Co-creating Company Values 💝

Get the entire organisation involved in collaboratively designing and maintaining your company values. In practice, they are already co-creating the company values through their lived work culture experience. But it may not be aligned with your stated company values! 🏢 Build systems and structures that support these efforts. ✅ Reward behaviours that are in alignment. ⛔ Discourage

🤝 Co-creating Company Values 💝 Read More »

“Man Down! Requesting Backup.” Men’s mental health in the workplace.

In November, I attended CIPD’s event about men’s mental health in the workplace called “Man Down! Requesting Backup.” It was well timed, two days before International Men’s Day on Sunday the 19th of November. During the talk, Charles Taymour, the coach/therapist giving the talk shared a laundry list of distressing statistics about men’s mental health

“Man Down! Requesting Backup.” Men’s mental health in the workplace. Read More »

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