Get to know Treasure and Embrace Connections

Hello! I’m Treasure (They/Them). Or call me Trevor, if you prefer.

I am passionate about connection, growth and play.

When people connect better, they will live happier lives and achieve better outcomes.

My purpose is to help people learn to connect better and lead better lives. My background in partnered movement and business and engineering, and my passion for connection have positioned me perfectly to create Embrace Connections and offer a range of solutions to help people connect better.

Why Embrace Connections?

The UK is facing a loneliness epidemic. A pre-pandemic government survey concluded that over one fifth of the population was affected by loneliness, and so devised the world’s first strategy for combatting loneliness. Covid, working from home, an ever-increasing reliance on technology and many other social factors are making the world less and less connected.

People are aching for better connections. To find their people, and develop relationships. To be in more secure relationships. To feel happier.

Embrace Connections is a grassroots movement to help people learn to connect better and build community. We help people open up, gain social skills, and overcome blockers and challenges. We bring people together, and give opportunities to connect, share and go deep with new people.

Why use methods rooted in movement, touch and somatics?

I know that touch, movement and the somatic experience are powerful tools for understanding ourselves and connecting with others. Physicality and nonverbal communication can help us reach greater depth and insight than words alone.

Relational problems and challenges require relational solutions. By using these practices, we can truly feel a challenge; it either works or it feels blocked or uncomfortable. When it starts to feel more in flow, we know that we have made progress on the problem.

Cognitive and verbal methods are an important element as well. But it all originates and ends in the body.


Somatic Touch/Cuddle Therapist (2021 – present). Supporting individuals with a range of personal, relational challenges.

Connections Coach (2021 – present). Supporting individuals with a range of personal, relational challenges, using touch and movement-based relational practices, person-centered talk therapy and coaching techniques.

Cuddle Party Host, (2021 – present). Hosting monthly Cuddle Parties in Bristol centered around different themes of consent, communication, relating, desires, boundaries, etc.

Workshop Facilitator with various organisations and events (2015 – present). Workshop themes include connection, embodiment, partner dancing, contact improv, acroyoga, cuddling, massage, consent, boundaries, non-verbal communication, etc. Some examples include:

  • Boundaries, Desires and Communication and Richer, Smoother Consent, Moving Connections Camp
  • Consent 201, Bristol
  • Cuddle Parties, Bristol, LoveJam
  • Blindfolded Partner Dance, Burning Nest
  • Being Together, Bristol
  • Partner Dance, Hedone
  • Dancing with Strangers, Bristol, LoveJam, Medicine Festival
  • Feral Encounters, Burning Nest
  • Touch Move Connect, Bristol


Cuddle Therapist with Cuddle Professionals International (2022). CPI is registered with The Complementary Medical Association and the course is approved by The International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

Event Organiser, Communications Lead of Burning Nest Organisation (2022 – present)

The School of Consent‘s “Like a Pro” Wheel of Consent training for practitioners with Betty Martin and Michael Dresser (2022)

“Embodied Communication” Short Course with Nita Little (2022)

AcroYoga Teacher with 5 years experience in classes and workshop settings. Certified by AcroYoga Montreal (2022)

Intro to Dance Movement Psychotherapy Short Course with Goldsmiths University (2022)

Intro to Life Coaching Online Seminar with The Coaching Academy (2021)

Blues Dance Teacher Training (2019)

Management Training with Halma plc (2018)

Leadership Training with Halma plc (2016)

7 years of industry experience with Halma plc (2014-2021) as a Regional Manager, Client Manager, Product Manager and Project Manager. Mainly working with different aspects of the water industry.

Halma Graduate Programme (2014-2016). 4 international work placements in the USA, UK, China and France.

B:Eng Robotics Engineering, Olin College of Engineering, USA (2014)

Diversity and Inclusion

I am delighted to work with all people without prejudice. This includes people of any ethnicity, cultural background, class, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, relationship structure, body type, physical ability, neurodiversity etc.
I am sex-positive, a queer ally, poly-informed, and kink-informed.

If cost is an obstacle, let’s have a conversation. I have a limited number of low-cost sessions available every week.


I am not a trained counselor, psychotherapist or medical practitioner. I am working to become trauma-informed. We must take care about approaching certain issues and conditions. If you have trauma and triggers, we can collaborate to work with/around them. Sometimes, I will refer you to more suitable services instead. 

My personal growth journey was accelerated by a few consent and communication issues in my past. These drove me to significant attitude and behavioural changes through learning and self-work. I take responsibility for my actions. A part of my journey forward is through Embrace, to share the lessons I have learned so far and help prevent or support similar issues.

Please feel free to contact me directly HERE or send an anonymous message HERE.

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